Novedades IIEP

Elaboración de una estrategia de promoción del empleo verde

6 de Septiembre de 2022

La transición hacia una economía verde implica grandes cambios no solo en la forma de producir y comercializar bienes y servicios sino también en el mundo del trabajo, con nuevas demandas de calificaciones, empleos que se crean y otros que desaparecen, y una redefinición general de la manera en la que trabaja. (OIT 2015).

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30 de Abril de 2022

Este informe es el resultado de una consultoría realizada por MESiIIEP (UBACONICET) y UBATEC integrado por Francisco Abramovich, Rodrigo Oliver, Carlos A. Romero, María Priscila Ramos, María Paula Covelli, Mariano Cipponeri y Martín Breitkop.

El objetivo principal del estudio es mostrar la contribución e impacto del sector audiovisual sobre la economía argentina en sus efectos directos, indirectos (sobre otros sectores de la economía) e inducidos (por el consumo producido por los hogares en relación al sector). También contiene un ejercicio de proyección que simula varios escenarios sobre la actividad e incluye una estimación del impacto del Fondo de Fomento Cinematográfico del INCAA.

En atención al punto crítico en el que se encuentra el INCAA y el sector en general, el estudio es un insumo fundamental para la planificación de políticas y acciones necesarias, así como un aporte al debate público en defensa de nuestra industria audiovisual.

Además, el estudio incluye la proyección de otros escenarios que analizan la adopción de distintas medidas impositivas de apoyo al sector, como un impuesto a las plataformas de streaming, la devolución de impuestos (tax rebate), de gastos (cash rebate), e incentivo a la demanda.

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Aplicaciones del equilibrio general computado al Desarrollo Económico | Omar Chisari

11 de Agosto de 2021

Se realizó un nuevo encuentro del Seminario Historia del Pensamiento Económico Argentino, Omar Chisari presentó “Aplicaciones del equilibrio general computado al Desarrollo Económico".

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Multiple Dividends with Climate Change Policies: Evidence from an Argentinean CGE Model |  María Priscila Ramos y Omar Osvaldo Chisari

25 de Marzo de 2021

Given the international commitments concerning Climate Change, we evaluate the costs and the potential multiple dividends of applying a carbon tax and/or an environmentally oriented trade policy (EGA) as part of an Environmental Tax Reform (ETR) in Argentina. Reviewing the literature concerning the conditions under which multiple dividends of an ETR can emerge, and also comparing the dividends and costs of implementing alternative ETRs in Argentina using computable general equilibrium model simulations, we conclude that given the structural socio-economic characteristics of developing countries (i.e. persistent unemployment, uneven income distribution, recurrent external and fiscal imbalances, high capital volatility, among others), the implementation of an ETR could be more expensive than for countries without these constraints. For instance, an ETR that leads to an increase in the unemployment rate would easily become impracticable. Results highlight that multiple dividends could emerge when a carbon tax helps to reduce distortionary taxes on labour. Unemployment due to fixed real wages and low capital mobility across sectors and countries allow for this multiple-dividend result. Moreover, when this first best choice of ETR is not applicable, an EGA could also lead to multiple dividends under the same labour market conditions, but with greater capital mobility across sectors and the possibility to import a greener production technology. However, the latter could exert a high pressure on the external balance when implementing a foreign technology. Designing an ETR for developing countries requires this cost-dividend analysis since results seem to be highly sensitive to factors market conditions and the available technology.

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Food security and welfare changes under COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa: Impacts and responses in Kenya | María Priscila Ramos

17 de Febrero de 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all Sub-Saharan economies through a multitude of impact channels. The study determines the medium-term macroeconomic outcomes of the pandemic on the Kenyan economy and links the results with a detailed food security and nutrition microsimulation module. It thus evaluates the effectiveness of the adopted government measures to reduce the negative outcomes on food security and to enable economic recovery at aggregate, sectoral and household levels. Through income support measures, the food sector and food demand partially recover. However, 1.3% of households still fall below calorie intake thresholds, many of which are in rural areas. Results also indicate that the state of food security in Kenya remains vulnerable to the evolution of the pandemic abroad.

Victor Nechifor, Maria Priscila Ramos, Emanuele Ferrari, Joshua Laichena, Evelyne Kihiu, Daniel Omanyo, Rodgers Musamali, Benson Kiriga.

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Multiple Dividends with Climate Change Policies: Evidence from an Argentinean CGE Model | Priscila Ramos y Omar Chisari

29 de Octubre de 2020

Priscila Ramos y Omar Chisari participaron en la elaboración del capitulo  "Multiple Dividends with Climate Change Policies: Evidence from an Argentinean CGE Model"  del libro "The Economics of Climate Change in Argentina" editado por Elisa Belfiori y Mariano Rabassa y publicado por Springer. 

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Looking for a Double Dividend of a Carbon Tax in Argentina: an input-output evaluation | Paula Micaela Achenbach, María Priscila Ramos y Carlos Adrián Romero

21 de Octubre de 2020

Paula Micaela Achenbach presentó en la conferencia International consortium on applied Bioeconomy Research  (ICABR)  el trabajo Looking for a Double Dividend of a Carbon Tax in Argentina: an input-output evaluation (realizado por Paula Micaela Achenbach, María Priscila Ramos  y Carlos Adrián Romero).

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20 años de control de fusiones y adquisiciones en Argentina (1999-2019): Indicadores de desempeño | Carlos Romero

20 de Octubre de 2020

Este trabajo presenta los resultados del análisis estadístico de las fusiones y adquisiciones (F&A) evaluadas por la autoridad de competencia de Argentina, desde el inicio del control de F&A (a finales de 1999) hasta 2019. En particular, se analiza la evolución de la cantidad de casos con diversas desagregaciones y chequeos cruzados según la naturaleza de las operaciones (horizontal, vertical y de conglomerado), el resultado de la evaluación (autorización, su denegación o condicionamiento), el sector económico afectado y la duración de los trámites. El análisis desarrollado permite obtener indicadores cuantitativos del control de fusiones, y brinda resultados y conclusiones de utilidad, tanto desde el punto de vista de las firmas que planeen operaciones, como para la evaluación de desempeño y el diseño de políticas públicas.

Juliana Cardinale, Diego Petrecolla, Carlos Romero
ISSN 2313-979X - Año XIV Vol. III Nro. 2

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Which Climate Change Mitigation Policy-mix to Argentina? A General Computable Equilibrium Approach

19 de Octubre de 2020

María Laura Ojeda y Juan Ignacio Mercatante presentaron en la conferencia International consortium on applied Bioeconomy Research  (ICABR)  el trabajo Which Climate Change Mitigation Policy-mix to Argentina? A General Computable Equilibrium Approach (realizado por Martin Jacquet, Maria Laura Ojeda, Maria Priscila Ramos, Juan Ignacio Mercatante, Omar Osvaldo Chisari and Carlos Adrián Romero).
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Effectiveness of fertilizer policy reforms to enhance food security in Kenya: a macro–micro simulation analysis | Priscila Ramos

3 de Septiembre de 2020

Applied Economics publicó el articulo  "Effectiveness of fertilizer policy reforms to enhance food security in Kenya: a macro–micro simulation analysis" . Pierre Boulanger, Hasan Dudu, Emanuele Ferrari, Alfredo J. Mainar-Causapé & Maria Priscila Ramos (2020) 

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Food security represents a key challenge in most Sub-Saharan African countries and in Kenya in particular where still a relevant share of the population lives below a minimum dietary energy consumption. Kenya addresses this concern with a noteworthy policy mix, aiming at giving to the agricultural sector a leading task in improving food security. This paper evaluates the impacts on food security of expanding fertilizer capacities in Kenya, combined with a set of additional policy changes targeting fertilizer use. In atop-down analysis, aspecific Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model is linked with amicrosimulation approach. Scenarios present overall positive effects on key food security aggregates. The same is true for welfare. Nevertheless, the heterogeneity of households across and within regions suggests that improving input productivity through better market access and service extension are critical to reducing possible discrepancies across farmers, households and regions. The paper concludes on the need for asound policy mix since increasing fertilizer production alone is not enough to enhance food security evenly. Among accompanying measures, intensifying extension services are essential especially for smallholders in their acquisition of better knowledge on the use of agricultural inputs.

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El impacto económico del turismo en localidades pequeñas. Análisis insumo-producto aplicado a los parques Ischigualasto y Talampaya | Carlos Romero

10 de Agosto de 2020

La revista   Cuyonomics. Investigaciones En Economía Regional publicó el trabajo "El impacto económico del turismo en localidades pequeñas. Análisis insumo-producto aplicado a los parques Ischigualasto y Talampaya" (Carlos Romero, Juan P. Tarelli y   Lucila Porto)

En el presente artículo se realiza una evaluación del impacto económico de un programa de inversión turística en la región de Valle Fértil-Villa Unión, dentro de las provincias de San Juan y La Rioja (Argentina), utilizando modelos de insumo-producto interregionales. Este tipo de investigaciones regionales presentan como dificultad la escasez de información a nivel subnacional. Para enfrentar este problema, se construyó una matriz de contabilidad social para la región, utilizando un enfoque híbrido. La aplicación de esta metodología se basa en el uso combinado de coeficientes de ubicación y encuestas locales realizadas en los años 2015-2016. Mediante ejercicios de simulación, se obtuvo una correlación positiva entre el incremento de la demanda turística y el crecimiento del producto local. Dicha relación podría ser mayor si se desarrollasen cadenas de valor regionales.

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Benchmarking Labor Courts: An Efficiency Frontier Analysis | Carlos Romero

10 de Agosto de 2020

 International Journal for Court Administration publicó el articulo "Benchmarking Labor Courts: An Efficiency Frontier Analysis" (Gustavo Ferro, Victoria Oubiña y Carlos Romero).

We aim to determine the average efficiency levels of the Argentine Labor Courts and their individual behavior with respect to the average. We also seek to establish the determinants of the relative efficiency levels of those courts. In so doing, we
estimate a Data Envelopment Analysis efficiency frontier, and then analyze the efficiency score drivers and the Judiciary career incentives. Our sample comprises 80 courts during the period 2006–2012. Our findings show high levels of efficiency
on average. Nonetheless, there is 9–12 percent room for improvement in the output with the same inputs on average, whether considering variable or constant returns, respectively. The efficiency results take caseloads and backlog into account. Given that no measure of capital input is used, this is a short-run analysis. The analysis of the efficiency scores with respect to its determinants shows that more variables, outside our sample, can help explain the variance in the scores.

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Assessing market incentive policies in Kenya with a food security and nutrition perspective: a macromicrosimulation approach | Priscila Ramos

17 de Abril de 2020

Maria Priscila Ramos, (IIEP), Estefania Custodio, (JRC Seville), Sofía Jimenez Calvo (JRC Seville and Universidad de Zaragoza), Alfredo Mainar-Causapé, (JRC Seville), Pierre Boulanger, (JRC Seville) y Emanuele Ferrari (JRC Seville) publicaron el informe "Assessing market incentive policies in Kenya with a food security and nutrition perspective: a macromicrosimulation approach"

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Kenya, such as other African countries, is particularly concerned about the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal #2 (SDG #2: zero hunger), and its associated consequences for the society. Empirical evidence about food security and nutrition in Kenya accounts for deficiencies in food access, food sufficiency and food quality at the household level. These deficiencies are among others the causes of all forms of malnutrition (stunting, wasting and overweight), which can lead to cognitive impairment, limited immunity to diseases, low educational performance, increased risk of chronic disease and even mortality cases of children in this country.

 To solve the food security and nutrition problems in Kenya is a challenging issue because of the different dimensions to be tackled (economic, environmental, educational, health and sanitation) and also because of the heterogeneity that characterizes households (income and food expenditure, education level of households’ head, regional sanitation coverage, access to potable water / waste water system, etc.).

In the recent past, the Government of Kenya supported the construction of a roughly €1.1 billion fertilizer plant in Eldoret in the framework of a fertilizer cost reduction strategy aiming at stabilizing fertilizer prices and making fertilizer more accessible through local manufacturing, blending and bulk procurement. Increasing the domestic production of fertilizers should reduce the price of fertilizer, making them more accessible for farmers. Co-authors of this report, employing the STatic Applied General Equilibrium for DEVelopment (STAGE-DEV) Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, calibrated on a Social Accounting Matrix Kenya 2014, evaluated the impact on food security of the creation of the fertiliser plant together with three additional policy scenarios (market access, extension and subsidies removal). For the purpose of this study, we developed a macro-micro simulation model, based on the previously developed CGE and policy scenarios and on microsimulations using the Kenya Integrated Household Budged Survey 2015/2016.

 The objective is to produce new set of food security indicators using macro-micro model linkages and it is purely methodological. The policy results, which should be taken with some caution, are discussed in terms of initial economic (per capita income), food security (household dietary diversity and dietary energy consumption) and children’s nutritional (stunting, wasting) status at the household level. Furthermore, national results are disaggregated by metropolitan áreas (Nairobi and Mombasa) and the rest of urban and rural zones of the country. Main results suggest that increasing fertilizers’ availability coupled with increasing market access through the improvement of infrastructures and the reduction of transport costs (market access scenario) will increase overall purchasing power. Supporting pro-poor growth, this development will benefit the most those households with lower diet diversity and higher stunting rates.

This policy scenario also leads to the largest increases in diet energy consumption, with similar distributive results as for the purchasing power impact. Increasing fertilizers’ availability paired with improving crops productivity in agricultural practices (extension scenario) leads to the largest increase in energy consumption, particularly from fats in the diet, among households with low diet diversity. Average protein and carbohydrate consumption at national level increase the most within the market access scenario.

The results confirm the findings of the previous report. Increasing fertilizer availability in Kenya is not enough to improve food security in the country. The contribution of complementary policies, such as increasing the market access for fertilizers and agriculture by improving the rural infrastructure or improving the extension services to train small-holder farmers about fertilizer and land use, that give farmers better access to input and output markets is needed.

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